BRING DOWN THE BIRDS – 07:00 PM January 8, 2024

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Blue-streaked Cleaner Wrasse

This episode, Dr Watson discusses the Blue-streaked Cleaner Wrasse. This is a small, brightly coloured fish associated with coral reefs. Cleaner Wrasse have a symbiotic relationship with the bigger reef fish that they share the water with, feeding on their ectoparasites and cleaning away old skin and debris that builds up on their scales. The Cleaner Wrasse gains a meal and the larger fish swims off in a healthier condition. In fact, small harems of Cleaner Wrasse, typically one male and up to five females, will linger in a particular area of the reef, effectively setting up a “cleaning station” for their customers. They play a very important role in the overall health of the fish in the coral reef environment. Two Cleaner Wrasse can be seen attending to a larger “customer” in the image on this page.

Tick Tick by Weish from Tick Tick
You’re Dead by Norma Tanega from Walkin’ My Cat Named Dog
Cold And Blind by Possessed By Paul James from Fighting For Our Own Survival
The Littlest Birds by The Be Good Tanyas from A Collection (2000-2012)
Call My Name by I’m With Her from Call My Name
Ain’t Goin’ Down To The Well by Tom Waits from Orphans: Brawlers, Bawlers and Bastards
Shine by Oum from Soul Of Morocco
Call My Name by I’m With Her from Call My Name

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