BRING DOWN THE BIRDS – 07:00 PM July 29, 2024

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Channel-billed Cuckoo

This week’s Bird Of The Week is Australia’s largest cuckoo: the Channel-billed Cuckoo. Its distinctive size and appearance makes it difficult to confuse with any other bird. Like most cuckoos, this one is a brood parasite, laying an egg or two in the nest of large species such as the Australian Magpie and Pied Currawong

Room To Move by John Mayall from The Turning Point
Keep Your Lamp Trimmed And Burning by Derek Trucks, Susan Tedeschi from God Don’t Never Change: the songs of Blind Willie Johnson
If Love Is A Red Dress (Hang Me In Rags) by Maria McKee from I’m Gonna Soothe You
Old Shoes by Tom Waits from The Early Years Vol. 2
I Kno, You Know, I Know by Tex Perkins
Country Road by John Mayall from Jazz Blues Fusion

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