Uncut and Unsigned – 01:00 PM June 18, 2024

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This Year’s Best Band…..so far

Catholic Guilt has to be one of THE best bands we have interviewed/played their tracks so far this year. Amazing sound (think original Sunflower Band), excellent production, meaningful lyrics, excellent production, great melodies and yes, I could go on and on. These guys have a product that is going places.

Song of The Renter by Catholic Guilt
Live For The Rush by Catholic Guilt
Can You See Me by Catholic Guilt
I Used To Be Someone by Catholic Guilt
The U-Bombs by Choice
Colourblind by Big Wheels
There’s Only Life by Marie Hopkinson
Another Sunset by The Amber List
Colours by Annakye
Sunny Morning by Jet City Sports Club
Life In 3 Part Harmony by Catholic Guilt
Tickety Boo by The Old School Hat

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